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Will Dr. Monfredi Still See Me If I Don’t Have Insurance?

Has it been a while since you’ve visited the dentist, but don’t know where to start?  Maybe you’re concerned thinking, “How much will my first visit cost?”, “I’m worried about the bill,” or “I DON’T HAVE INSURANCE!” At Monfredi Family Dental we have options, especially if you don’t have insurance  It’s safe to say it […]


How To Strengthen Teeth With The Best Food And Habits

“Hey, Dr. Monfredi. Do you have any tips on how to strengthen teeth?”  After I tell them that I’m just a glorified receptionist and that my wife, Dr. Monica Monfredi is our boss and owner, and most importantly, the actual dentist, I’ll typically ask the patient to hold on for a second while I grab […]


Getting to Know MFD Team Hygiene!

Our dental hygienists are some of the most important and versatile folks on the MFD Team. They do quite a bit more than “just” cleaning teeth. Our (amazing) hygienists are typically your most frequent point of contact with the office and the most liked! HA… (at least I hope so!).  We enjoy educating patients about […]

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Where’d My Dental Benefits Run Off To?

Come January 1, 2022, you don’t want to issue “a hard-target search of every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse, and doghouse in [your] area. Checkpoints go up at 15 miles! Our fugitive’s name is Your Dental Benefits. Go get [them].” Don’t worry – MFD is here to make sure you maximize the benefits […]

kid oral health

How To Best Care For Your Kiddo’s Oral Health

Oral Health at the Infant and Toddler Stages It can be hard enough to adjust to regular life with a newborn. Figuring out sleeping schedules, diets, and the coveted personal time are more than enough tasks to keep you occupied 24/7. Now throw teething, brushing, and oral health into the mix and we may delve […]