Do You Want Fluoride with That?

Many dental insurance plans do not cover in-office fluoride varnish treatments for adults. They have determined for some reason that fluoride varnish is important for kids to have, but when it comes to the over 18 crowd – not so important.  Does that mean that we should just punt on discussing the benefits of fluoride […]

How MFD Became What it is Today (Podcast)

How MFD Became What it is Today (Podcast) We’ve written before about Dr. Monica’s personal dental history (the work that she’s had done on her own mouth) in this post: They Broke Your Dentist’s Jaw – Trust Me, She Gets it. But today we’re giving you a little extra insight into the origin story of […]

What Happens With a Root Canal Retreatment

Sometimes – rarely – a root canal doesn’t work the first time. Unfortunately, this ‘not working’ can present itself anywhere from days after the original root canal to years later. And when that happens, a common solution to fix the problem is to perform a retreat root canal.  What is a retreat root canal and […]